p.e. : it works but the layout is copulated here on itch and it probably has 50% obsolete files since no php and no jquery for hiscores and other stuff as the original intended. We'll fix it when time we dont like it sticking out, for now fullscreen recommended

we just saw a link to a game on pouet and wanna try , that way there's something playable on the page too, EXCELSIOR!

working version ! here ! (firefox and chrome) not tested on others but probably should work since phaser

we generally dont do "mobile friendly" as we are weirdows who couldnt care less about iThings and other but this one probably works fine if you have a tapfinger

after the 3rd try and some error 403 i think i get the general dictatorbox but this is just a test okay and we have frankly not much interest in programming javascript games but all roads are open ... testing one two (feel free to donate a billion , Elon, we'll get on PhaseX v0.0 rite away !)

Yass, the short version, the other one that got almost finished "OGA is the new crack" (as opengameart) actually uses php to load the levels so thats like half a total conversion in order to put it up here but its playable overthere (if only to show we know what a sprite and a collision box is, actually the game is slightly not meh, ofcourse its basically a prototype)

In essence, since making money here other than donations is not an option in the geolocational political and social circumstance we are just interested in doing the c64 game and if that actually gets finished before we go demented maybe a port for the Atari ST (by then no one uses one anymore but thats besides the point) anything else is a spinoff and a bonus. If things change then probably so will we, AFTER we get someone to do the typing and talking b/c p.r. and marketing is "for creatives" and people who cant read or write or need json or sql ...

you knowwww ......

tschuess ... may you sell like Valheim if you are not corrupt like Crotter

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